ACE: an exclusive medium for post-entry work?

Folks who specialize in post entry work, especially prior to liquidation, would probably agree that those who are not acquainted with ACE, should probably start doing so. “ACE Overview and Status Update” presentation released by CBP on March 3d, depicts a good sneak preview that ACE familiarity is of paramount importance.

Of specific interest is the following CBP outlook:

The next release will address post summary corrections. Today there is no automated way to correct entry summaries. A paper submission is required. It is almost impossible to track the submission or to know the number of submissions. CBP will be embarking on automating that process. For ACE entry summaries, this new ACE Business Process will replace the paper-based post entry amendment (PEA) process.

  • The Post Summary Correction (PSC) transaction will be a full replace of the existing ACE entry summary as a new version
  • It will be submitted for ACE entry summaries, types 01 and 03 only
  • It will replace the existing Post Entry Amendment (PEA) hardcopy process for ACE entry summaries
  • It will provide the ability for the trade to submit corrections to ACE entry summaries via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • PSCs will be processed through all existing validations including Census warnings
  • Liquidation will be automatically unset for PSCs so they can be processed