WTO’s HS Tracker

Many folks who are preparing for upcoming Customs Broker License Examination (“CBLE”) find useful Exam History Compilations Page – https://www.lawcustoms.com/compilations/ – of LawCustoms Project. The page contains past exam materials dating back to 1997. The page becomes especially useful in light of CBP’s decision to truncate list of available CBLE’s for practice to just a few years back. One common problem with practicing older exams is the possibility of question becoming outdated or no longer relevant in light of change in laws and regulations.

The WTO’s HS Tracker tool – https://hstracker.wto.org/ – allows prospective CBLE examinees to relate back to the HTS changes as they practice older questions. For example, what would have been 0101.90 back in 2002 can have 0101.29 or 0101.30 in 2017. See example at HStracker About Page.