April 2014 Question 66 U.S. Customs Broker License Exam Discussion

Thank you for watching this video segment from October 2017 Customs Broker License Examination (“CBLE”) preparation class.

Following CBLE question is the focus of this video:

The definition of a “Destruction” of merchandise that is part of a claim for drawback duty means:

A. The complete destruction of over 50% of the value of merchandise.
B. The complete destruction of over 90% of the value of the merchandise.
C. The complete recycling of the merchandise.
D. The recycling of less than 50% of the merchandise and the destruction of the remaining.
E. The complete destruction of the merchandise to the extent that it has no commercial value.

Correct Answer: (E).

The discussion is a part of lecture series designed to prepare for the upcoming Customs Broker License Examinations. Please visit https://www.lawcustoms.com/live/ for details about CBLE preparation classes.

We also invite you take a look at our recent publication- the 6th Edition of U.S. Customs Broker License Examination Preparation Guide Textbook – which is comprised of two volumes. Please visit https://www.lawcustoms.com/tb/ for details about CBLE preparation textbooks.