October 2012 Question 19 U.S. Customs Broker License Exam Discussion

Thank you for watching this video segment from October 2017 Customs Broker License Examination (“CBLE”) preparation class.

Following CBLE question is the focus of this video:

Which one of the following criteria is not used in the demonstration of a claimant in order to be ex-empt from the restructuring of a drawback claim?

A. Complexities caused by multiple manufacturing locations
B. Complexities caused by significantly different methods of operation
C. Complexities caused by misinterpretation of the various regulations
D. Complexities caused by difficulty in adjusting accounting and inventory records
E. Complexities caused by multiple commodities or the applicable general manufacturing drawback ruling or the specific manufacturing drawback ruling

Correct Answer: (C).

The discussion is a part of lecture series designed to prepare for the upcoming Customs Broker License Examinations. Please visit https://www.lawcustoms.com/live/ for details about CBLE preparation classes.

We also invite you take a look at our recent publication- the 6th Edition of U.S. Customs Broker License Examination Preparation Guide Textbook – which is comprised of two volumes. Please visit https://www.lawcustoms.com/tb/ for details about CBLE preparation textbooks.